Tìm kiếm: study
DNVN - According to a recent study, younger adults who are under stress appear and feel older, but only on those days when they also believe they have comparatively less control over their own lives.
Những phát hiện từ tàu vũ trụ BepiColombo của châu Âu - Nhật Bản có thể lý giải cách một hành tinh giống Trái Đất trở thành "hỏa ngục".
DNVN - A recent study found that increased well-being among a nation's citizens is correlated with its economic prosperity.
DNVN - Hiện các doanh nghiệp khối sản xuất, tài chính và công nghệ đang đi đầu trong chuyển đổi số xanh. Những tên tuổi có thể kể đến như Vinamilk, Heineken, FPT, Momo, VNPay…
DNVN - Although life objectives evolve over time, research on adolescent goals reveals that attaining a high level of prestige and education can serve as catalysts for achievement.
DNVN - Scientists have made a significant breakthrough in understanding number sense in animals by proving the presence of distinct number sense in rats. This finding provides an important animal model for studying the brain foundation of numerical skills and impairments in humans.
DNVN - In a study published in Nature Geoscience, researchers at the University of Birmingham discovered that marine cloud brightening (MCB), also known as marine cloud engineering, works primarily by increasing cloud cover, which accounts for 60-90% of the cooling effect.
Nếu nhận thấy dấu hiệu này trên đầu, bạn có thể có nguy cơ bị đau tim hoặc đột quỵ cao hơn.
DNVN - A Japanese research group has found that documenting one's response to a negative event on paper and subsequently disposing of it by shredding or tossing it away diminishes feelings of anger.
DNVN - A study from Washington State University suggests that improved mental and physical health in older adults may be associated with even marginal variations in the accessibility of urban green and blue spaces.
DNVN - Physical and mental health may improve in adults for adolescents with high levels of positive affect, according to a study published on April 2 in the open-access journal PLOS Medicine by Eric Kim, Renae Wilkinson, and colleagues from Harvard University, United States.
DNVN - By illuminating single copper atoms deposited on a light-activated material with sunlight, scientists have effectively converted carbon dioxide into methanol; this discovery paves the way for the development of new green fuels.
DNVN - A recent study done by the University of Amsterdam (UvA) shows categorically that the more the uneasiness and anxiety of a situation, the more likely people are to become unduly optimistic - even to the point of preventing us from taking necessary action.
DNVN - Retirement is a significant life transition that can have far-reaching consequences.
DNVN - Research indicates that boredom is more prevalent in the workplace compared to other environments, with employees experiencing boredom for an average of over 10 hours per week.
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