Reference exchange rate fell 7 VND on July 11
DNVN - On July 11, the State Bank of Vietnam set the daily reference exchange rate for the US dollar at 23,170 VND/USD, a decrease of 7 VND from the previous week's last working day (July 8).
The current trading band of +/-3 percent results in a ceiling rate of 23,864 VND/USD and a floor rate of 22,476 VND/USD applicable to commercial banks during the day. All commercial banks saw a decline in opening hours as well.

Reference exchange rate fell 7 VND on July 11.
Both the buying and selling rates were down 10 VND compared to July 8, at 23,180 and 23,490 VND/USD, respectively, according to Vietcombank.
BIDV has also reduced both rates by 5 VND to 23,210 VND/USD (buying) and 23,490 VND/USD (selling).
The daily reference exchange rate for the week of July 4–8 showed an upward trend for the majority of the week before beginning to decline on Friday, ending the week up 56 VND from Monday.
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