Tìm kiếm: Lead
DNVN - Since 2020, millions of people have died from coronavirus infection because influential institutions took too long to recognize that it is primarily airborne; a new historical analysis led by the University of Colorado Boulder sheds light on the delay.
DNVN - What distinguishes the human brain from those of all other species, including our closest primate relatives? Yale researchers analyzed cell types in the prefrontal cortex of four primate species and identified species-specific, particularly human-specific characteristics.
DNVN - Utilization of an artificial blood substitute can reverse cell damage caused by oxygen deficiency, increase the number of organs available for transplant, treat heart attacks and strokes, and even reverse death.
Những dấu hiệu dưới đây trên khuôn mặt có thể dễ dàng nhận thấy bạn đang bị thiếu hụt vitamin.
DNVN - The majority of days every year could become dangerously hot in many parts of the world if warming reaches 3°C by 2100.
DNVN - Physical labor's fatigue-inducing effects are well-known, but what about mental labor? Sitting idly for hours and intensely pondering makes one feel exhausted.
DNVN - The province's People's Committee and the Ministry of Planning and Investment will provide support to thousands of small and medium-sized businesses in Binh Duong so they can undergo digital transformation.
DNVN - Wheat is an important source of nutrition for people worldwide, providing 20% of calories and protein for 3,4 billion people. Climate change is anticipated to significantly alter the yield and price of wheat in the upcoming years, even if we achieve our climate mitigation goals and limit global warming to 2°C.
Hàng loạt mẫu xe ô tô hybrid đang chuẩn bị 'đổ bộ' vào Việt Nam, giữa thời kỳ 'bão giá nhiên liệu' như hiện nay. Thậm chí, có mẫu xe ô tô chỉ 'ăn xăng' ngang xe máy Honda Lead.
DNVN - NFTs, or nonfungible tokens, were initially popularized in the art world as a platform for buying and selling digital art backed by a digital contract. However, it is possible that NFT digital contracts could be useful in other markets.
DNVN - The Big Data Institute at the University of Oxford has taken a significant step toward mapping the entirety of genetic relationships among humans by creating a single genealogy that traces the ancestry of all of us. The study has been published today in Science.
Hàng loạt mẫu xe tay ga Honda dần 'hạ nhiệt' trong tháng Ngâu, do nguồn cung xe dần đi vào trạng thái ổn định. Trong đó, Honda Vision tiếp tục giảm thêm 5 triệu đồng tại đại lý.
DNVN - Climate change impacts a vast array of economic sectors, ranging from crop damage to cooling failures in cloud-based data centers. Uncertainty exists as to whether a country's economy can recover annually from these impacts or whether global temperature increases cause permanent and cumulative effects on the market economy.
DNVN - Nhằm giúp quý độc giả tiện tham khảo trước khi mua xe, Doanh nghiệp Việt Nam xin đăng tải bảng giá niêm yết xe tay ga Honda tháng 7/2022. Mức giá này đã bao gồm thuế VAT.
DNVN - Higher goals lead to greater accomplishments. According to a new study co-authored by Dr. Reto Odermatt of the University of Basel, this is true at least in the context of educational and occupational aspirations. Unrealistically high aspirations as a teenager, on the other hand, can have a negative impact on adult well-being.
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