Tìm kiếm: simply
Hãy từ bỏ thói quen vo gạo trực tiếp trong nồi cơm điện và thay bằng cách vo gạo an toàn, hợp vệ sinh hơn để bảo vệ sức khỏe và độ bền của thiết bị.
DNVN - A recent study suggests that you may be mistaken in a disagreement with a friend or colleague if you are smugly convinced that you are correct.
DNVN - Procrastination, or the deliberate but detrimental deferral of tasks, takes many forms. Sahiti Chebolu of the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics analyses its various patterns and the underlying causes of them using an exact mathematical framework. Her observations may be useful in modifying specific approaches to the problem.
DNVN - Fish that swim in schools become remarkably stealthy underwater, even having the ability to mimic the sound of a single fish.
DNVN - The data is unambiguous: a significant proportion of startup enterprises experience failure. So, what makes the seemingly lucky few not only survive, but thrive?
Skoda Superb thế hệ mới có 2 cấu hình hatchback và wagon (tương tự sedan) với ít thay đổi về thiết kế nhưng bổ sung nhiều trang bị hấp dẫn.
Từ lâu, cơm trắng bị mang tiếng xấu là có thể gây tăng cân, thậm chí là bệnh tiểu đường.
Pizza đông lạnh trong siêu thị sẽ ngon không kém ngoài hàng khi được chế biến theo những cách dưới đây.
DNVN - Scientists have developed an artificial intelligence system capable of generating synthetic enzymes from scratch. In laboratory tests, some of these enzymes performed as well as those found in nature, even though their amino acid sequences differed significantly from those of any known natural protein.
DNVN - When groups need to make a decision, they frequently conduct a straw poll to gauge opinions prior to the official vote. New research from the University of Washington demonstrates that a particular voting method was more effective than others at identifying the best option.
DNVN - Studies have shown that being in a hot environment reduces cognitive performance, whereas a brief walk enhances cognition. But what happens when you go for a brief walk on a hot summer's day, as so many students and office workers do during lunch or an afternoon break? Turns out, you might be better off avoiding the heat.
This month, if you live in Europe, North Africa, or North-West Asia, you can observe a rare lunar occultation in which Uranus passes behind the moon and emerges on the other side.
DNVN - Male bottlenose dolphins form the largest known multi-level alliance network outside of humans, researchers led by the University of Bristol have demonstrated. These intergroup alliances increase male access to a contested resource.
DNVN - Volunteers who spent a working week in a virtual-reality environment have reported more anxiety, lower productivity and migraines – which could have big implications for the future of work
DNVN - Analysis of hundreds of modern and fossil animals' inner ear canals indicates that warm-bloodedness emerged abruptly in the late Triassic.
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