Tìm kiếm: Tax
Chuyển đổi số đang tạo động lực phát triển nhiều lĩnh vực, là xu thế tất yếu trong quá trình phát triển và trở thành "chìa khoá" để bước vào kỷ nguyên mới, kỷ nguyên vươn mình của dân tộc.
DNVN - Trong không khí rộn ràng đón chào xuân mới Ất Tỵ 2025, đường hoa xuân Menas Mall – sự kiện chào xuân lớn nhất khu vực phía Bắc TP Hồ Chí Minh, chính thức mở cửa hoàn toàn miễn phí để đón khách du xuân từ ngày 18/1 đến 7/2/2025.
Theo thông tin từ Tổng cục Thuế chiều 3/1, trong 10 sự kiện nổi bật năm 2024 của ngành Thuế Việt Nam đưa ra có ứng dụng thuế điện tử (eTax Mobile) và giải pháp công nghệ tăng cường phòng chống và ngăn chặn gian lận hóa đơn được Tổng cục Thuế xếp loại ở những vị trí đầu tiên nổi bật.
DNVN - A linear "take, make, waste" approach is employed by conventional food and agricultural production systems. This approach involves the extraction of natural resources from the Earth to produce food and fuel, the generation of waste that contaminates the soil and water, and the emission of harmful pollutants.
DNVN - Procrastination, or the deliberate but detrimental deferral of tasks, takes many forms. Sahiti Chebolu of the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics analyses its various patterns and the underlying causes of them using an exact mathematical framework. Her observations may be useful in modifying specific approaches to the problem.
DNVN - After 3 years of disruption, international supply chains appear to be returning to normal. The redirection in the global supply chain has brought many opportunities has brought many opportunities but also some challenges to Viet Nam industrial real estate market, according to experts.
DNVN - TS Nguyễn Minh Thảo - Trưởng Ban Nghiên cứu Môi trường Kinh doanh và Năng lực cạnh tranh, Viện Nghiên cứu Quản lý Kinh tế Trung ương (CIEM) đề xuất cần coi trọng cải cách thể chế môi trường kinh doanh, giảm chi phí cho doanh nghiệp.
DNVN - The tax sector collected an estimated 462.92 trillion VND (19.71 billion USD) for the State budget in the first quarter of 2023, which represents 31.1% of the annual estimate, the General Department of Taxation announced on April 3.
DNVN - Phu Quoc Island is an ideal choice for travel and long-term relaxation, with a complete visa exemption policy for international visitors, a temporary stay of up to 30 days, a populous and rich nature, and impressive architecture.
DNVN - A team led by UCL and UCLH researchers have mapped the parts of the brain that support our ability to solve problems without prior experience -- otherwise known as fluid intelligence.
DNVN - Thailand's Revenue Department expects to meet its revenue collection target of 2.2 trillion THB (nearly 63.3 billion USD) in fiscal year 2023.
DNVN - The UKVFTA Agreement is primarily seen by British businesses as a tool for promoting trade by utilizing preferential tax rates. Vietnam is simultaneously designated as a nation of special interest at a time when the UK is anticipated to ratify the CPTPP Agreement.
DNVN - According to Deputy Finance Minister Nguyen Duc Chi, the state budget collection for the period from January to September was estimated at over 1.32 quadrillion VND (55.9 billion USD), which was 94% of the annual target and 22% higher than the same period last year.
DNVN - Ho Chi Minh City intends to establish a 26,000-hectare economic zone in the south, which will house industrial parks, urban areas, and numerous related services.
The zone has been included in a draft project for the development of industrial parks and export processing zones for the years 2025- 2030, with a long-term vision of 2040.
DNVN - According to the General Department of Taxation, the tax sector collected 911.02 trillion VND (38.9 billion USD) of the State budget in the first seven months of this year, an increase of 17.2 percent year over year and 77.5 percent of its yearly estimate.
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