Tìm kiếm: study-with-me
DNVN - The deep ocean circulation that forms around Antarctica could be headed for collapse, say scientists.
Ăn hạt chia không đúng cách có thể gây đầy bụng, khó tiêu, dị ứng, hạ đường huyết.
Thường xuyên duy trì thói quen leo cầu thang bộ giúp đốt cháy nhiều calo, giảm nguy cơ đột quỵ, cải thiện sức khỏe tim mạch.
Một nghiên cứu mới mới đây cho thấy rằng chất lượng giấc ngủ có ảnh hưởng lớn đến chất lượng cuộc sống.
DNVN - Scientists have developed an artificial intelligence system capable of generating synthetic enzymes from scratch. In laboratory tests, some of these enzymes performed as well as those found in nature, even though their amino acid sequences differed significantly from those of any known natural protein.
DNVN - Researchers have applied a deep learning technique to a previously studied dataset of nearby stars and uncovered eight previously unidentified signals of interest.
DNVN - A team led by UCL and UCLH researchers have mapped the parts of the brain that support our ability to solve problems without prior experience -- otherwise known as fluid intelligence.
DNVN - A new gelatinous robot that can crawl, powered solely by temperature change and clever design, adds "a sort of intelligence" to the field of soft robotics.
DNVN - Up to one-fifth of postpartum women suffer from a mental health disorder such as postpartum depression or generalised anxiety disorder.
DNVN - According to a study conducted by Washington State University, sleep quality affected women's mood and altered how they felt about advancing in their careers. In contrast, sleep quality had no influence on men's aspirations.
DNVN - When groups need to make a decision, they frequently conduct a straw poll to gauge opinions prior to the official vote. New research from the University of Washington demonstrates that a particular voting method was more effective than others at identifying the best option.
DNVN - Leprosy-causing bacteria have been found to reprogram liver cells in armadillos and cause the organ to regrow, suggesting that new treatments may be possible.
DNVN - Nữ Producer của kênh Youtube ẩm thực 8,5 triệu Subcriber từ chối đầu quân vì lý do bất ngờ.
DNVN - When pandemic lockdowns are lifted, rush hour will likely return, but a new study suggests that congestion pricing — policies that charge tolls for driving during peak hours — could not only alleviate traffic congestion but also convince drivers that it is safe to purchase smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicles.
DNVN - The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our personalities – a study of more than 7000 US adults found that people are less open to new experiences and less conscientious than before the pandemic.
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