Tìm kiếm: environment
DNVN - Studies have shown that being in a hot environment reduces cognitive performance, whereas a brief walk enhances cognition. But what happens when you go for a brief walk on a hot summer's day, as so many students and office workers do during lunch or an afternoon break? Turns out, you might be better off avoiding the heat.
DNVN - Consider a group of 30 young people who want to play soccer. To help them improve as players, you would like to divide them into two teams so they can practice their skills and learn from their coaches.
DNVN - The blue light emitted by smartphone and laptop screens may not affect your sleep if you are exposed to only a small amount.
DNVN - What distinguishes the human brain from those of all other species, including our closest primate relatives? Yale researchers analyzed cell types in the prefrontal cortex of four primate species and identified species-specific, particularly human-specific characteristics.
DNVN - The majority of days every year could become dangerously hot in many parts of the world if warming reaches 3°C by 2100.
DNVN - The province's People's Committee and the Ministry of Planning and Investment will provide support to thousands of small and medium-sized businesses in Binh Duong so they can undergo digital transformation.
DNVN - Hội thảo và Triển lãm quốc tế về Giải pháp và Công nghệ xử lý chất thải tại các đô thị Việt Nam (WETV) vừa diễn ra tại Đà Nẵng từ ngày 25- 26/8. Hội thảo có sự tham gia của những đơn vị đã triển khai các dự án xử lý rác thành công trên thế giới, đặc biệt là phù hợp với điều kiện và đã thành công tại Việt Nam để tham gia sự kiện.
DNVN - Theo TS Trần Văn Lượng, Chủ tịch Hiệp hội Công nghiệp môi trường Việt Nam, công nghệ xử lý rác tại Việt Nam còn lạc hậu, thiếu đồng bộ. Ngoài ra còn thiếu cơ chế chính sách để khuyến khích doanh nghiệp đầu tư đổi mới công nghệ từ khâu thu gom, vận chuyển...
DNVN - As Shikhar Bahl opened the refrigerator door, the robot observed. It recorded his movements, the swing of the door, the location of the fridge, and other information, analyzing it and preparing to mimic what Bahl had done.
DNVN - Climate change impacts a vast array of economic sectors, ranging from crop damage to cooling failures in cloud-based data centers. Uncertainty exists as to whether a country's economy can recover annually from these impacts or whether global temperature increases cause permanent and cumulative effects on the market economy.
DNVN - By adopting circular economy (CE), Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) are likely to improve their environmental performance, according to the findings of a study led by Aston University.
DNVN - Volunteers who spent a working week in a virtual-reality environment have reported more anxiety, lower productivity and migraines – which could have big implications for the future of work
DNVN - Viet-Uc Group and AquaEasy have announced an official commercial partnership to implement AI technology in local shrimp ponds. Viet-Uc Group is one of the leading shrimp farmers in Vietnam, where seafood is a major export.
DNVN - Higher goals lead to greater accomplishments. According to a new study co-authored by Dr. Reto Odermatt of the University of Basel, this is true at least in the context of educational and occupational aspirations. Unrealistically high aspirations as a teenager, on the other hand, can have a negative impact on adult well-being.
DNVN - A more peaceful and healthy workplace can result from mindful interactions and relationships.
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