Tìm kiếm: scientists
DNVN - The deep ocean circulation that forms around Antarctica could be headed for collapse, say scientists.
DNVN - Scientists have developed an artificial intelligence system capable of generating synthetic enzymes from scratch. In laboratory tests, some of these enzymes performed as well as those found in nature, even though their amino acid sequences differed significantly from those of any known natural protein.
DNVN - NASA's Juno spacecraft flew 352 kilometers above Jupiter's moon Europa, returning incredibly detailed images of its surface.
DNVN - Maned sloths were previously believed to be a single species, but genetic and physical analysis indicates there are actually two.
DNVN - To save Caribbean reefs from deadly disease, researchers have resorted to administering antibiotics to corals, but there are concerns that this could lead to antibiotic resistance in other marine animals.
DNVN - A survey of artificial intelligence researchers found that 36 per cent believe AIs could cause a catastrophe on the scale of nuclear war
DNVN - On water, ants prefer not to construct a collective raft. However, once 10 insects are in close proximity, the so-called Cheerios effect pushes them together in a manner that is difficult to counteract.
DNVN - Male bottlenose dolphins form the largest known multi-level alliance network outside of humans, researchers led by the University of Bristol have demonstrated. These intergroup alliances increase male access to a contested resource.
DNVN - If global warming exceeds 1.5 degrees Celsius, runaway processes such as the thawing of permafrost, the death of coral reefs, and the collapse of ice sheets are likely to occur.
DNVN - In a 3D printing process, a small amount of simulated crushed Martian rock combined with a titanium alloy produced a stronger, high-performance material that could one day be used to create tools or rocket parts on Mars.
DNVN - Since 2020, millions of people have died from coronavirus infection because influential institutions took too long to recognize that it is primarily airborne; a new historical analysis led by the University of Colorado Boulder sheds light on the delay.
DNVN - Mbiresaurus raathi, a predecessor of the long-necked sauropods, provides insight into how climate limited the range of early dinosaurs.
DNVN - What distinguishes the human brain from those of all other species, including our closest primate relatives? Yale researchers analyzed cell types in the prefrontal cortex of four primate species and identified species-specific, particularly human-specific characteristics.
DNVN - Climate change impacts a vast array of economic sectors, ranging from crop damage to cooling failures in cloud-based data centers. Uncertainty exists as to whether a country's economy can recover annually from these impacts or whether global temperature increases cause permanent and cumulative effects on the market economy.
DNVN - Quantum clocks are normally controlled by a classical control system, but to build things like tiny quantum drones that fly around delivering molecules we'll need a fully quantum approach
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